Root Canal Therapy in Fowler, IN

Root canal therapy is a dental procedure performed by our dentist in Fowler, IN, to treat infections or damage within a tooth's pulp. The pulp at the tooth's center contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue, which can become inflamed or infected due to deep decay, trauma, or repeated dental procedures. 

Root canal therapy involves removing the infected or damaged pulp, cleaning and disinfecting the root canals, and sealing the space to prevent further infection. This procedure not only alleviates pain and discomfort associated with tooth infections but also preserves the natural tooth structure, restores oral health, and prevents the need for extraction, thus maintaining proper chewing function and preserving the integrity of the dental arch.

The Symptoms of Root Canal Infection

  • One of the hallmark symptoms of pulp inflammation or infection is persistent tooth pain, which may range from mild discomfort to severe, throbbing pain. The pain may worsen with chewing or biting and may be accompanied by swelling or tenderness in the surrounding gums.
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, mainly lingering pain after exposure to hot or cold foods or beverages, may indicate nerve damage or inflammation within the tooth pulp. This sensitivity may persist even after the stimulus is removed.
  • Discoloration of the affected tooth, such as darkening or graying of the enamel, may occur due to internal damage or decay affecting the pulp. This discoloration may be subtle or more pronounced, depending on the extent of the infection or damage.
  • Inflammation or infection within the tooth pulp can lead to swelling or tenderness in the surrounding gums. The gums may appear red, swollen, or puffy, and pressure or touch may exacerbate discomfort.
  • Prolonged sensitivity to pressure, such as biting or chewing, may indicate damage or infection within the tooth pulp. This sensitivity may persist even after the pressure is relieved and may be accompanied by localized pain or discomfort.
  • In some cases, a pimple or abscess may develop on the gums near the affected tooth, indicating a localized infection. These lesions may be accompanied by pain, swelling, and pus drainage.
  • Damage or infection within the tooth pulp may cause changes in the mobility or stability of the affected tooth, such as looseness or shifting. This instability may be noticeable when biting or applying pressure to the tooth.

The Root Canal Therapy Procedure

Root canal therapy is a procedure performed by our dentist at Sheets Family Dentistry to save a tooth that has become infected or severely decayed. It involves removing the damaged or infected pulp inside the tooth, cleaning and disinfecting the root canals, and sealing the space to prevent further infection. The procedure may require several visits to the dentist and is performed under local anesthesia to ensure the patient's comfort.

During the first visit, the dentist will examine the tooth and take X-rays to assess the extent of the damage and determine if root canal therapy is necessary. Once confirmed, the dentist will numb the area around the tooth with a local anesthetic to ensure the patient feels no pain during the procedure. Next, they will open the tooth's crown to access the pulp chamber and root canals.

Using specialized instruments, the dentist will carefully remove the infected or damaged pulp tissue inside the tooth and clean the root canals to eliminate bacteria or debris. This step is crucial for preventing reinfection and promoting healing. The root canals are then shaped and rinsed to ensure they are thoroughly cleaned.

Next, the dentist will fill the root canals with a biocompatible material called gutta-percha and seal the opening in the tooth with a filling or crown to restore its strength and function. Sometimes, a temporary filling may be placed between visits to protect the tooth while a permanent restoration is being prepared.

Once the root canal procedure is complete, the tooth should be free of infection and pain, allowing the patient to chew and speak comfortably. Regular dental check-ups and good oral hygiene practices are essential for maintaining the health of the treated tooth and preventing future problems.

The Benefits of Root Canal Therapy

  • One of the primary benefits of root canal therapy in Fowler, IN, is that it provides relief from the severe tooth pain caused by pulp infection or inflammation. By removing the damaged tissue and eliminating the source of the pain, patients experience immediate relief and can regain comfort in their daily lives. Contact us today to learn more!
  • Root canal therapy allows patients to preserve their natural teeth rather than undergo tooth extraction. This is beneficial for maintaining the smile's aesthetics, safeguarding proper chewing function, and preventing adjacent teeth from shifting out of place.
  • An infected tooth can lead to severe complications, such as abscess formation, bone loss, or systemic infections. Root canal therapy removes the infected pulp and seals the root canals, preventing the spread of bacteria and reducing the risk of these complications.
  • Root canal therapy improves oral health and hygiene by treating the infection and restoring the tooth's structure. It eliminates the source of bacteria within the tooth, reducing the risk of future dental problems and promoting a healthier oral environment.

Your smile deserves the best care possible, and root canal therapy can help you achieve optimal oral health and well-being. Visit Sheets Family Dentistry at 98 S 100 E, Suite B, Fowler, IN 47944, or call (765) 884-0018 to learn how root canal therapy can relieve pain, preserve your natural tooth, and restore oral health.

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Fowler, IN

98 S 100 E, Suite B, Fowler, IN 47944


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Office Hours

  • MON12:00 pm - 7:00 pm
  • TUE - WED8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • THU7:00 am - 3:30 pm
  • FRI7:00 am - 2:00 pm
  • SAT - SUNClosed
(765) 884-0018